UCCA Beijing

"Curated by Gu Wenda" Su Zhiguang: Drift

2011.5.28 - 2011.7.10

432 x 629 cm

Collected dust and dirt


Courtesy of the artist.


Location:  Long Gallery

For the third exhibition in this year’s “Curated by…” series, UCCA invites internationally-acclaimed contemporary artist Gu Wenda to curate a solo show by emerging artist Su Zhiguang. In this case, curator and artist share a similar philosophy and favor the use of materials that can function as medium as well as metaphor.

For Su Zhiguang, dust is both ubiquitous and symbolic: it is a minor annoyance to be swept up or ignored, a record of our daily tedium, a metaphor for the accretions of history and one of the byproducts of modernity. In this exhibition created specifically for the UCCA space, the artist presents Dust Manual, a folding book in the classical Chinese style; Dust Insects, Dust Flowers, a series of Andy-Warhol-inspired prints; and Dust Tiles, a collection of tiles coated with grime collected from 256 separate Beijing locations. With simple concepts and modest materials, Su Zhiguang transforms the everyday and mundane into something poetic and prophetic.

For more information, please read the “"Curated by Gu Wenda" Su Zhiguang: Drift” press release.

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