UCCA Beijing


15:00 - 17:00

Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  Chinese only.


December 2, 1985, during the Sino-Vietnam border defense operations, the front line of Laoshan, known as the classic examples of modern jungle warfare, "122" battle started. The implementation of this battle, the task is a unit of "double merit seven" 52 commandos. 25 minutes of fighting, 11 people lost their lives, 70 percent wounded. War correspondent the Li Yuqian one month in advance to live in this company, commando training, life, set off, the ambulance, until the triumph,it had been shooting a 1 hour 40 minutes of precious field image.

The film uses Li Yuqian of post-war search for clues, narrative, oral field image data, veterans and their families, veterans living presence, the atmosphere of the times outlined the relationship between ordinary people and the war more humane, more objective and individualperspective to look back to war, reflect on the war, the interpretation of individual life, after the baptism of blood and fire showing special tone, modal, and value, the wake of a better humanity, pray for peace. "Liyu Qian said:" If you can not stop the war, then you put the truth of the war to tell the world. "


Zeng Ruohai(director)
Chang Li Hsien(publisher, writer)
Li Yuqian (war correspondent)

Zeng Ruohai, the the chief director.CCTV News in 2001, he served as director, "Oriental Horizon Chronicle in 2002, began filming a documentary.He participated in the preparations for production of the film legend in 2003 and in 2006, he was appointed the chief director of the film legend,explored the production of oral history programs with Cui yongyuan in 2007, in 2009 as a 20-episode documentary "My Motherland," general director. In 2010, he served as the chief director of the 32-episode documentary "The War".Now served as the chief director of the new film legend, documentaries, the chief director of "My War Ⅱ". As a cutting-edge film and television director, with his hard work and creativity, the direct guidance of planning, directing team, supervise the harsh quality of each work, from production to broadcast. The documentary "The War" recently broadcast in the country,dictated by the 300 war witness to the book "My War" is also broadcasted, issued number has more than 200,000, which caused a big stir. The chief director of documentary "My War" had Hairuo reporter an exclusive interview recently in Beijing. It tells the story behind the shooting, and cut right through documentary Complex.

Chang Li Hsien, the famous publisher, writer.Called himself "laoliu" due to the preferance of number six. Involved in founding the "Football Night", "life information" and other magazines.Deputy editor-in-chief of the former Modern Publishing,curated <A Chinese Odyssey Book>、< Independent Spirit >and so on. And published personal writings "memory fragments",also is called"Hey, let us sing the eighties".The current editor of "Reading Library", cross-types of work operations, independent planning to complete a book, soliciting contributions, compiled draft design, printing, publicity, issue of the various aspects of involving editing, art, finance, public relations, sales of the areas.Single-handedly, a record of the Chinese publishing industry continued to publish a reading brand "Reading Library" miracle. In terms of content, layout, or to binding, the pursuit of perfection and meticulous, and many of the publishing industry counterparts to shame. Opened by reading blog, has become the "Reading Library" fans unite in exchange a good platform. Humorous style of writing, and his diligence careful, practical, pressed to live in America for the express desire of binding concept is unique in the domestic book industry, making those bells and whistles, and flashy style of art stand aside, can be described as ingenious. Article published in "Reading Library" of its business, a lot of readers think the interesting material sense of "and" three "standard, published a book on his blog, and others read the comments of the library, effectively forming a positive interaction between the editor and readers.

Li Yuqian, the famous war correspondent, poet, writer, painter and calligrapher. 16-year-old in 1978 he graduated from high school, was admitted to the Military Academy, learning the journalistic profession.In 1981, he graduated for military academy when he was 19. 1984 - 2000 as a CCTV reporter in the Jinan Military Area Command Station reporter, filming a documentary over 50, over 20 documentaries to national awards and the Beijing Film Academy and the Communication University of China as a classic documentary samples for students to learn to observe. Admitted to the People's Liberation Army Art Institute of Literature in 1993, graduated in July 1995. July 1995 admitted to the Department of Western Language and Literature, Peking University, pursuing a graduate of Western culture and world literature. 1996 - 1997 as CCTV to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the documentary directing, writing, time-consuming two years to complete the 12-episode documentary "bear the hope of the nation" title by Jiang Zemin inscribed, August 1, 1997 in CCTV set of prime time broadcast. Transferred to the People's Liberation Army Pictorial any editor, deputy director and then director in 2000. In January 2009, the poems of the "soul image" published by the Writers Publishing House. Their own jobs in January 2010, the establishment of Beijing Road, Canton OK Culture Communication Co., Ltd., engaged in film and television, publishing, calligraphy and painting exhibitions and other cultural industries, creative, planning, production and operations. In December 2010, Li Yuqian planning shooting the documentary "Life and Death Band of Brothers" reflects the border defense operations, Southern People Weekly named him "2010 Beautiful People 50".