UCCA Beijing

UCCA Touching Nature Series: The Hibernating Earth

10:00 - 11:30

Location:  UCCA Salon
Language:  In Chinese only

About this Program

During winter, the earth loses its vitality: trees go bare, grass withers, and birds migrate to the south. Many small animals escape this bleak landscape by hibernating. In this activity, students will design and draw deep holes below the earth and the small animals living there. Of course, the details are the most important—animals need food and cozy shelters made out of natural objects. Then kids will bring all their individual pictures together, making a vast winter landscape!

UCCA Touching Nature Series
Nature is a source of inspiration for artists. The changing colors of the seasons, animals whispering in the woods, and the rich smell of the trees and the soil all serve as sparks to the imagination. The multicolored, multitextured objects found in nature make the best materials for handicrafts. In the “Touching Nature” series, we will use resources from nature and recycled materials to make art.


Sheng Jianghua has worked in experiential education in the field of environmental studies for a decade. She is an expert on making art with natural and recycled materials and is the author of the book Children, Let’s Love Nature.


Magic Cat Eco Workshop combines arts and crafts with education on the natural world. Teaching through play, they create artworks from natural objects and make useful things from recycled materials. Their aim is simple—help kids in the city understand and embrace nature.