UCCA Beijing

Tony Wheeler: Change And Stasis In 40 Years Of Travel

14:00 - 16:00

Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  English with Chinese translation


2013 marks the 40th anniversary of the Lonely Planet book series, the best-selling guidebook in the world known to many as the “travel bible.” The past 40 years have seen great change in the tourism industry. Travel has become a necessary element in people’s lives rather than just a privilege of the minority. In this talk, Tony Wheeler, travel writer and co-founder of Lonely Planet, will discuss what has changed and what has stayed the same over the past 40 years of travel.


*Reservations required. Please call +86 10 57800200 to book. Please note that you can only book 1 seat at a time.

Members can also book by calling +86 10 57800291 or by sending an email to members@ucca.org.cn.

*You can collect your ticket from the ticket desk up to 30 minutes before the event begins.

*Please arrive on time.


Tony Wheeler, co-founder of Lonely Planet, writes and edits many issues of the guide, including the award-winning India edition and the best-selling Australia edition. He has also written a number of other non-fiction works, including Bad Lands, a book on high-risk travel destinations such as Iraq and Libya. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the British Guild of Travel Writers in 2002 and from the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation in 2005.


DUKU is a bimonthly magazine edited by Zhang Lixian and published by New Star Press. In addition to publishing many other works, the company hosts a literary festival each November as well as various talks and lectures.

Lonely Planet found its first incarnation in 1972, when Tony Wheeler and his wife Maureen Wheeler spent months crossing Eurasia to reach Australia with only an old car, some money, and a spirit of adventure. When they returned, they wrote their first guidebook, Across Asia on the Cheap. Within one week, they sold 1,500 copies, and Lonely Planet was born. Today, Lonely Planet has offices in Melbourne, London, Auckland, Delhi, and Beijing with over 600 employees and writers.

Lonely Planet Traveller is the magazine run by Lonely Planet. The original version established in UK and now have been published in 14 languages in different counties & regions. Lonely Planet Traveller heritages the travel philosophy of Lonely Planet and create slogan as “travel with responsibilities, exploring with attitude”. By travelers, for traveler is the tradition of the brand, so Lonely Planet Traveller not only provide fresh, detailed travel info for Chinese travelers, but also hosts offline activities called Thinker Soapbox to establish communication platform for Chinese travelers. The simplified Chinese version is published by Strait-media and issued monthly among china.