UCCA Beijing

Pulse Reaction: An Exchange Project on Contemporary Art Practice

2013.8.10 - 2013.8.11
2013.8.10 13:30-18:002013.8.11 14:00-18:00

Location:  UCCA Workshop
Language:  In Chinese Only

UCCA and Times Museum announce the "Pulse Reaction——an exchange project on contemporary art practice" seminar and associated book launch. Originally organized by Times Museum as an exhibition project with dialogue as the content, "Pulse Reaction" provided an opportunity for contemporary Chinese artists to engage in ideological exchange whilst at the same time creating an exhibition based on the crossover of artists' experience, thought, language and actions. Whilst the discussion finished almost a year ago, the process has continued and now is the right time to ask the following: after the project, what new thought-processes have been produced? This new discussion will be centered around the collision and creation of thought. Accompanying the release of the publication: "Pulse Reaction——an exchange project on contemporary art practice" UCCA is taking the opportunity to reignite the discussion. Bringing together all of the academic issues that concern UCCA; artists from different generations will be brought together to discuss an expanded the range of topics. Through the use of a different platform, UCCA hopes to create new possibilities.


Bao Dong

You Yang

Shi Qing

Liang Jianhua


GuangDong Times Museum is not only an experimental achievement with great significance, which resulted from the curatorial concepts of the 2nd Guangzhou Triennial, but also a product of artists(architects)’ imaginary ideas. Through its open attitude towards urban landscape and city life, and which was reflected upon by the museum building and its space, we hope to prove that a residential building block could absorb the commercial, cultural and social content of urban life, as well as inject innovative and diverse vitality within. From concepting to designing, and till its materialization, GuangDong Times Museum reflects the unique working conditions and fast-developing urbanization process of the Pearl River Delta.