UCCA Beijing

Performance Art and Contemporary Life: The Diary of Performance Art Book Launch


Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  In Chinese Only

Performance art has been a part of Chinese contemporary art for over three decades. In cooperation with Post Wave Publishing Consulting, UCCA has invited performance artist Cai Qing and art critic Zhao Guojun to give a talk on the culture of performance art in China and its role in contemporary society.

A well-known performance artist and art educator, Cai Qing takes part in many local and international art performances and educational programs. In this lecture, Cai will discuss his two books, The Diary of Performance Art and The Potential of Performance Art in Psychotherapy, sharing his insight and experience. The talk will culminate in a performance piece that will involve both the artist and the audience.


Cai Qing (performance artist and art educator)

Zhao Guojun (general secretary of Arts Independent Forum)


Post Wave Publishing Consulting

Arts Independent Forum