UCCA Beijing


2012.2.17 - 2012.2.19
See film schedule.

Cinema Arts
Location:  UCCA Art Cinema
Language:  Original languages with Chinese and English subtitles.


UCCA’s 2011 screening of films from Nordox, the Nordic Documentary Festival, was tremendously popular and well-attended. For those of you who were unable to attend the screenings last year, or who want to experience them again, UCCA is presenting “Nordox 2011 Rewind”, featuring the most popular films from the 2011 NORDOX program: Yodok Stories, The Extraordinary Ordinary Life of José González, The Red Chapel, Tears of Gaza and many more.


Film Schedule
Feb 17 (FRI) 19:00
Yodok Stories
Andrzej Fidyk.2008.75 min.Norway

Feb 18 (SAT) 14:00
"Tempo in BEIJING" Series:

Christina Höglund.14 min.2010.Sweden

Davud Aronowitsch & Hanna Heiliborn.16 min.2008.Sweden

Anders & Harri
Åsa Blanck and Johan Palmgren.13 min.2009.Sweden

Bye Bye Cest fini
Tora Mårtens .2008.14 min.Sweden

Jonas Odell.2008.13 min.Sweden

Feb 18 (SAT) 16:00
The Extraordinary Ordinary Life of José González
Mikel Cee Karlsson & Fredrik Egerstrand. 72 min. 2010. Sweden

Feb 18 (SAT) 19:00
The Red Chapel
Mads Brugger. 2010. 87min. Denmark

Feb 19 (SUN) 14:00
Tears of Gaza
Vibeke Løkkeberg.2010.84 min.Norway

Feb 19 (SUN) 19:00
I am my own Dolly Parton
Jessica Nettelbladt.2011.90min.Sweden


Yodok Stories
-Andrzej Fidyk.75 min.2008. Norway
A small group of people have managed to flee from the camps to a new life in the prosperous South Korea. Some of them gather and decide to make an extraordinary and controversial musical about their experiences in the Yodok concentration camp. Despite death treats and many obstacles the musical becomes a tour de force for this ensemble of refugees and for them a possibility opens to talk about their experiences and inspire others to protest the existence of the camps.

"Tempo in BEIJING" Series:
Bye Bye Cest Fini
-Tora Mårtens .2008 .14 min.Sweden
Who says the fun stops just because you get older? Not 73-year-old Lina Merceis, who leisurely strolls the beaches of Rio De Janeiro by day and entertains scores of young lovers by night. Unrestricted by the tradition of monogamous relationships or marriage, Lina’s carefree lifestyle disproves preconceptions on aging.

-Davud Aronowitsch & Hanna Heiliborn.16 min.2008.Sweden
We were abducted my mother, father, sister and me. Then they killed my parents and separated me from my sister.I was five, Abuk tells us in a low voice. I stayed with one of the men who kidnapped us and took care of his goats.
Slaves is about Abuk, nine, and Machiek, fifteen. Like thousands of other children they were taken by government sponsored militia in Sudan and used as slaves. They were later liberated by the organisation CEAWC (Committee for the Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children) in Sudan headed by James Aguer. Slaves is based on an interview made in 2003 and is the second film in a series of animated documentaries with and about children in difficult situations .
David Aronowitsch and Hanna Heilborn, and with design by Mats Johansson.Acne Jr.

-Christina Höglund.14 min.2010.Sweden
I lost all my hair in three months. An amazing amount was tied up in that hair. I changed more than I could imagine. This is a film about identity, attraction, sorrow. A discussion about the value of appearances, and what is actually normal.

Anders & Harri
-Åsa Blanck and Johan Palmgren.13 min.2009. Sweden
Anders and Harri are best friends. They travel to the place where the worst train accident in Sweden happened. It was in 1918 when the fast train from Malmö to Stockholm ran off the track. Suddenly a forgotten event revives and unexpected music appears in the air.

-Jonas Odell.2008.13 min.Sweden
Three perfectly true stories about lying. In three episodes based on documentary interviews we meet the burglar who, when found out, claims to be a moonlighting accountant, the boy who finds himself lying and confessing to a crime he didn't commit and the woman whose whole life has been a chain of lies.

The Extraordinary Ordinary Life of José González
-Mikel Cee Karlsson & Fredrik Egerstrand.72 min.2010.Sweden
The film revolves around the life and mind of musician José González. Using congenial methods; video diary, surveillance camera, concert footage,tour documentation and animation, directors Mikel Cee Karlsson and Fredrik Egerstrand give form to something as elusive as the creative process of one of Sweden’s finest – and most secretive – musicians.

The Red Chapel
-Mads Brugger. 2010. 87min. Denmark
A journalist with no scruples, a spastic, and a comedian travels to North Korea with a mission - to challenge the conditions of the smile in one of the world’s most notorious regimes. The Red Chapel chronicles thoe amusing and often bizarre encounters between this Danish “theatre troupe” and their North Korean hosts in a one of a kind, East-meets-West-meets-East look at cultural exchange in the modern world’s last anti-globalist bastion.

Tears of Gaza
-Vibeke Løkkeberg.84 min.Norway
In a rough style, by way of unique footage, the brutal consequences of modern wars are exposed. The film also depicts the ability of women and children to handle their everyday life after a dramatic war experience. Many of them live in tents or in ruins without walls or roofs. They are all in need of money, food, water and electricity. Others have lost family members, or are left with seriously injured children. Can war solve conflicts or create peace? The film follows three children through the war and the period after the ceasefire.

I Am My Own Dolly Parton
-Jessica Nettelbladt .90min.2011.Sweden
Five singers meet at a tribute to Dolly Parton and become friends. All have their dreams which they now decide to try to make come true. The inner trip deals with making choices, with being oneself, with wanting a child, with having a life threatening disease and with finding someone to love. You can make your dreams come true or you can fail. Your goal is not the important thing but the path you take and what happens along the way.


Partner: NORDOX (Nordic Documentary Film Festival)