UCCA Beijing

Mercator Salon IV: “Money and Happiness – Does Giving Make Us Happy? —— On the Contribution Foundations Make to Creating A Better Society”


Location:  UCCA Atrium
Language:  Chinese and English with simultaneous interpretation

Can philanthropy, as Bill Gates claims, “change the world”? While private foundations have a long history in Europe, they are a relatively recent phenomenon in China. The question of what Chinese and European foundations can contribute to society’s further development is the subject of the fourth Mercator Salon.

Despite some obvious differences, there are questions that are relevant both in China and in Europe: what prompts donors to make some of their assets available to finance activities from which they themselves derive no material profit? In which areas and in which ways should foundations work in order to achieve the greatest possible impact? Which framework conditions can the state create to promote foundations and their activities? What can China and Europe learn from each other in this context? We will be discussing the different challenges, opportunities and framework conditions for foundations in China and Germany during the fourth Mercator Salon.

The Mercator Salon is a series of events run by Stiftung Mercator in Beijing. The salons provide a platform for Chinese and Europeans to exchange ideas and opinions on topical issues relevant to culture and society. The Mercator Salon follows in the footsteps of the event series “Enlightenment in Dialogue” held by Stiftung Mercator from 2011 to 2012. The first two Mercator Salons took place in October 2012 under the theme “Cultural Metropolis – Metropolitan Culture.” In June of 2013, the second round of Mercator Salons will discuss the theme of “Money and Happiness.” The third round of Mercator Salons about “Intellectuals and the Role of Science in China and Europe” will be held in November 2013. For more information about the Mercator Salon, please visit: http://www.mercator-salon.com.

Reservations required.

From Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 please call 57800200 to book. Please note that you can only book 1 seat at a time.

Members can also book by calling +86 10 57800291, or sending an email to: members@ucca.org.cn.


Wang Zhenyao is one of driving forces behind the promotion of the concept of modern philanthropy in China. His is a consultant to many Chinese philanthropists and also encourages entrepreneurs to get involved in the philanthropic sector. Before becoming one of the most influential promoters of philanthropy in China, Wang worked in the Ministry of Civil Affairs for over 22 years, where he became famous as the “the father of rural election in China.” His other main achievements in the Ministry include the creation of a disaster relief system and the establishment the urban and rural minimum subsistence allowance system. He was elected as one of the “30 Social Figures of 30 years’ Reform and Opening-up of China.”

Gerry Salole is the Chief Executive of the European Foundation Centre (EFC). The EFC is an association of over 230 public-benefit foundations and corporate funders active in philanthropy in Europe and elsewhere, aiming at promoting and strengthening transnational philanthropic activity in Europe. The EFC provides resources, training and consulting for the philanthropic sector, advocates for the creation of the legal and fiscal frameworks allowing for transnational European Philanthropy such as the European Foundation Statue and creates thematic networks of European Foundations such as the forthcoming Foundation House in Brussels, which will provide a communication platform to discuss policy issues and connect foundations with NGO´s and policy makers.


Michael Kahn-Ackermann, Stiftung Mercator China Special Representative


Stiftung Mercator is one of the largest private foundations in Germany. It pursues clearly defined objectives in its thematic clusters of integration, climate change and arts education and it achieves these objectives with a combination of socio-political advocacy and practical work. Stiftung Mercator implements its own projects and supports external projects in its centers for science and humanities, education and international affairs. It takes an entrepreneurial, professional and international approach to its work. China is the most important new political and economic ac- tor in the emerging, multipolar world and a country with extraordinary potential. Quite simply, international development is no longer conceivable without China. This demands a better and more nuanced understanding of Chinese reality, especially in Germany. This is what we hope to achieve in long-term partnerships and cooperative ventures. Currently, Stiftung Mercator is funding several different projects in China: school and youth exchanges, multiplier en- counters and fellowship programmes for young managers in the areas of civil society, politics, academia and business. For more information, please visit: http://www.stiftung-mercator.de/en.