UCCA Beijing

Overview of Public Programs

2024.7.20 - 2024.10.20

Conversation, Special Guided Tour, Cinema Arts, Performing Arts, Workshops

During the exhibition period of “Lawrence Weiner: A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ASAP”, UCCA will curate a series of exciting public programs, some may be the most important ones around Lawrence Weiner in the world of art in recent years.

We are honored to invite Alice Weiner, wife of Lawrence Weiner, and Kirsten Weiner, his daughter and executor of the Lawrence Weiner Estate, as speakers for the opening guided tour. They will offer unique insights into Lawrence’s life and art as they guide us through the exhibition. During the summer, we will organize four themed conversations that, taking specific artworks as examples, discuss the contribution of Lawrence Weiner to the history of art and his the development of conceptual art in China. The conversations will also explore the broader world his work reveals from the perspectives of translation studies and design theory. The Cinema Arts program will feature 10 short films out of the 26 that Weiner created during his active period, offering the audience an additional way to understand his Declaration of Intent. In addition, an original performance MOVE ABOUT TO ALLOW THE LIGHT draws inspiration from Lawrence Weiner's iconic language structures, inviting musicians to extract and transform visual symbols into minimalist musical elements, creating unique sound art pieces that will be performed live in the exhibition hall using human voices.


Opening Guided Tour



Guided Tour with the Curator



Conversation | ”Receiving” Lawrence Weiner in the Chinese Context



Conversation | Lawrence Weiner in the History of Art



Conversation | Approaching Lawrence Weiner’s Art Through the Poetics of Typography


Conversation | Chinese Art and Lawrence Weiner



Cinema Arts | Lawrence Weiner: Translation between Linguistic Symbols and Moving Images



Performance Arts | Satz. Ein Satz.
