UCCA Beijing


15:00 - 17:00

Location:  UCCA Loft
Language:  Chinese and English.


An old-fashioned lock cleverly designed with humor; a teapot exquisitely made into a bizarre shape; or a matchbox with attractive patterns… …one cannot help indulging in these aesthetically pleasing private collections.

UCCA is honored to invite six designers who possess passion in collecting. They will satisfy our curiosity by sharing their treasurable collections, technically analyzing what these collections have given them and sharing the story behind these collections.

If you love new things and have some “facts” to “expose” , bring your crowning glory to our “fetish” sharing session and sharing your life as a collector.

*Reservations required.
From Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 please call +86 10 5780 0200 or send email to members@ to book.


Huimin Zhang
Tianyu Xiao
Feng Liu
Minghui Wei
Wentao Sun

Huimin Zhang & Bin Zhang
Graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in product designing; founded “0322”jewelry brand in 2008. their work was among the finalists for the “China Contemporary Design Exhibition 2009” and was kept by Today Art Museum. Representative work, Guang Shen Jiao series, was on display in “Asia Now” exhibition held by designboom in “dwell on design” in Los Angeles. Their works crosses the boundaries of products and jewelries.

Tianyu Xiao
Graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts D9 Home Studio as an independent designer. His graduation design, “Fusion” series primarily formed his style of design. He is an emerging force of Beijing design business.

Feng Liu
A crossover creative producer. Graduated from Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University in sculpturing. One of the founders of CFDBA. Founder of the F+L Design. His works deconstruct and reflect the traditional and pop culture through methods of design.

Wentao Sun
Born in Heilongjiang Province in 1975. Graduated from Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University in sculpturing.currently living in Beijing. He tries to find the balance between art and design throughout the years and pursues to create a specious dreamworld. Representative works: <speciousness> series, <reborn> series.

Minghui Wei
Graduated from Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University in interior designing.The founder of “Internal Storage” recycle design. Independent designer. His recycle designs keep the original appearance of the waste products for people to see the mark of age.