UCCA Beijing

Experience and Concept: the Practice of Zhu Yu


Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  Chinese only

Zhu Yu’s practice has long been considered controversial and mysterious. Treating his art creations more like a project, he has compressed the track of time and his artistic trails of the past ten years into a single “process”. This process shall be taken as an “action” as well as a projection of his experience and ideology.
In this talk, curator Qin Siyuan will be joined by writer Shu Kewen and art critic Lu Mingjun to discuss the secret thinking and working modes of artist Zhu Yu.

Ticketing & Participation:Free


*Collect your ticket from reception 30 minutes before the event begins.

* Please no late entry.


Zhu Yu

graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. Known for his conceptual projects that challenge the limits of artistic language, Zhu Yu’s latest works are a series of highly realistic and detailed paintings of mundane objects.

Shu Kewen


Lu Mingjun

Lu Mingjun Professor, College of Arts, Sichuan University and has published several volumes including Visual Perception and Art History: Foucault, Damisch and Crary among others.


Colin Siyuan Chinnery

is a curator based in Beijing. He is currently Director of the Wuhan Art Terminus (WH.A.T.),acontemporary art institution under development in Wuhan, China; founder of the Beijing Sound Project, a long-term project recreating the history of Beijing from the Republican era to the present day using only sound; and contributing editor for Frieze magazine. He was Director in 2009 and 2010 of ShContemporary Art Fair in Shanghai, and before that, Chinnery was a founding chief curator and deputy directorof the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA). Between 2003 and 2006, as Arts Manager for the British Council in Beijing, he initiated major projects in experimental theatre, live art, sound art, and visual arts, bringing a wider public into contact with experimental practice.