UCCA Beijing


16:00 - 17:30

Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  Chinese only.


In July, “China New Design Series: Typeface Innovation and Application” will invite Zhu Zhiwei to resume the exploration of typeface design. Zhu serves as the director of typeface development at the Founder Group, the largest Chinese character product supplier in China. Based on Chinese character evolution and modern technology, Zhu Zhiwei will expound on the basis principles of typeface innovation and the significance of typeface application. Chinese characters are carriers of culture and there are different typefaces adapting to social development at different times.

Generally speaking, typefaces pass on information in a simple, vivid and stylish manner.


Guest: Zhu Zhiwei(director of Typeface Development at the Founder Group)

Zhu Zhiwei, born in 1955, graduated from the Calligraphy Art Course at Capital Normal University and serves as senior technical expert of Founder Group and typeface developing director in Beijing Founder Electronics Co., Ltd.

Zhu’s representative works include Thick Song Typeface, Beiwei Regular Script, Reinforcing Bar Clerical Script, Well-informed Song Typeface, Refined Song Typeface, Elegant Song Typeface and Rhythm Blackbody.
In 1996, Zhu Zhiwei received a bronze prize for his Beiwei Regular Script in the International Typeface Competition held by Morisawa. In 1999, a Jury Award was presented to Zhu Zhiwei for his Reinforcing Bar Clerical Script.

He served as member of the judging panel in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Founder Typeface Contests.

Since 2003, Zhu has been researching the relationship between typefaces the visual when designing typefaces. It should be noted that Zhu’s well-informed Song Typeface designed to preserve reader’s eyesight has gained in popularity among users since its launch. Currently, such a typeface is widely being used by many main-stream newspapers.


Beijing Founder Electronics Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest professional manufacturers specializing in Chinese character database development and the largest Chinese character product supplier in China. Nowadays, it has nearly 200 Chinese character fonts, 70-odd minority written script fonts and 2 large font databases for Song Typeface and Regular Script of more than 70,000 Chinese characters. As an integral part of reputable Founder Chinese Electronic Publishing System, Founder Font Database is renowned for its rich font resources, superb quality, wide application and useful functions to cater for customers and builds up high reputation in professional publishing and printing fields.