UCCA Beijing


10:00 - 11:30

Location:  UCCA La Suite
Language:  Chinese with English Translation.


Artists can find different kinds of beauty and wonder in everyday life .They can perform miracles just like a magician. In this art workshop, artist Song Kun will share her magic with children and parents. She will re-integrate debris to create each family's own "junk art".

Please bring 5-10 useless things, of any shape or material, but with family memories inside. We’ll get together with artist Song Kun to make magic!
*All materials provided.
*Reservations required.
From Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 please call +86 10 5780 0200 to book. Please note that you can only book 1 seat at a time.
Members can also book by emailing: members@ (Email bookings are reserved for UCCA members only.)


Guest: Song Kun (UCCA exhibiting artist)

Song Kun Song Kun was born in 1977 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. She studied oil painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing until 2002. She was a founding member of the N12, a group of twelve ambitious young graduates of the Central Academy of Fine Arts who have been organizing their own annual exhibitions. Song Kun was educated after the Cultural Revolution and raised in an era of accelerated urban and economic development. While her paintings are less overtly political than many of her predecessors and contemporaries, she uses her own unique visual language to give expression to the concerns and desires of everyday life, building an archive of those moments of peak emotion, cognition, and memory. Her most recent work interprets mobility, migration, and movement as political and sentimental devices of both control and resistance that have become characteristic of life in contemporary China.