UCCA Beijing


10:00 - 11:30

Location:  UCCA Café
Language:  Chinese with English translation.


Spring is here, and inside UCCA there is a secret hanging garden alive with plants and trees, painted intensely black with Chinese ink. During the exhibition period the plants will continue to grow, and in a few weeks, green shoots will peek out of the black, giving evidence to the power of the natural world and its ability to renew.

In this continuation of our children’s ‘workshops with artists’ series, we invite exhibiting artist Jennifer Wen Ma to guide us through her hanging garden. This piece is an extension of her work that explores a contemporary approach to Chinese ink.

Jennifer Wen Ma is based mostly in the USA, however, her art works are linked closely to Chinese traditional art forms. She works in a variety of media, from video projections and sculptures, to drawings and interactive installations. She has produced a range of site-specific installation and video pieces in Asia and Europe.

*All materials provided.
Please visit http://e.mosh.cn/10462 for online ticketing.
*Reservations required.
From Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 Please call+86 10 57800200 to book. Please note that you can only book 1 seat at a time.
Members can also book by emailing: members@ (Email bookings are reserved for UCCA members only.)
*Share this event: http://www.tanghooloo.com/pub/4672


Jennifer Wen Ma, was born in 1973 in Beijing, China, moved to the United State in 1986, and received her Masters degree in Fine Arts in 1999 from Pratt Institute, New York. Jennifer works with mediums as varied as installation, video, drawing, fashion design, performance and public art. She has participated in numerous exhibitions internationally.