UCCA Beijing

A Conversation with Harun Farocki

14:00 - 16:00

Location:  UCCA Workshop
Language:  English with Chinese Translation

About This Program

Harun Farocki is an author, filmmaker and video artist. Using the example of his series of works “Serious Games”, he will explain his artistic approach as well as his way of engaging with subject matters and forms of expression. “Serious Games” is currently being exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin. In this series of works the artist reflects on the use of video games both in preparing American soldiers for combat and in treating traumatized veterans.

On the series of artworks entitled “Serious Games”.

For more detailed information on the artist and his oeuvre please refer to



* You can collect your tickets from the ticket desk up to 30 minutes before the event begins .Seats to be served on first-come-first- served basis.

*No late entry.


Harun Farocki was born in 1944 in Nový Jicin (Neutitschein), in the former German-annexed Czechoslovakia. From 1966 till 1968, he studied at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (West). Between 1974 and 1984, he was author and editor of the journal “Filmkritik” (Film Critic) in Munich. Since 1966, he has created over 100 productions for television or the cinema: children’s television, documentary films, film essays and drama. From 1993 until 1999, Harun Farocki was a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Since 2000 he has taught at Universität der Künste and Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin as a guest lecturer. After becoming a visiting scholar in 2004, he held a full professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 2006 to 2011.